If you can't make the YouTube live classes you can watch the replay anytime, just go the same link above, type, "Guru Mitar" in the search all my videos will pop.
Thank YOU so much for joining us.
Zoom after class let's connect grab a cup of tea and join us
Monday 4:00 pm click the link to join by computer
Call in 669 900 6833 or 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 993 4889 8633 Password: 915174
You are the Guru
Take yourself from dark to light

Living The Good Life
I’m thrilled you’ve decided to stop by, and check our offerings. I feel honored and blessed to walk this path with you.
WARNING: Walking this path may include increase confidence, improved core strength, better self-image, new friends, increased metabolism, enhanced circulation, more restful sleep, and a better understanding of how to make your life work. Be warned once you get a taste of it you can never go back.
(These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA)
Quick Access
Go someplace you've never been before at least once a year. Take what you've learn on the mat and live it.

Transform Your Body, Mind,
And Free Your Spirit

Take it off the mat and live it! We are not a group of yogis who shows up and practice on the mat only. We are a community growing and traveling together! Our trips are luxury styled, designed to enable you to live life to the fullest. We go to the highlights as well as the lesser-known places to give you the most unique and culturally immersive experience possible.
Kundalini Yoga
KY is for everyone it is a science of self-illumination. It is a powerful practice which combines the full spectrum of yogic tools — mantra (sacred sound), asana (posture), mudra (hand position), bandha (body lock), meditation (mindful focus), and pranayama (breathing technique)
KY gives you the tools to access the depth of who you truly are.

Breathwork & Sound Healing
Join us for a magical journey of deep breathing, deep releasing, and deeply connecting. Go beyond the physical body…into the vast ocean of awareness cracking open all that has been frozen allowing you to emerge into your greatness. We will be using the breath as a portal to go deep within yourself to explore the deepest aspect of Self, Spirit, and Universe. Then you simply surrender to surges of pure holographic sound enveloping the body mind and spirit.